Head Start Healthy Start Action:
Contact Your Idaho Legislators Today!
An important vote is coming soon in the Idaho legislature. It's important your legislators hear from YOU.
$3 Million for Idaho Head Start Programs
Governor Little has included $3 million for Idaho Head Start programs in his budget request. It’s $1 million/year for three years. The funds will be used to expand capacity at Head Start programs across Idaho and serve nearly 100 more families.
The legislature must approve the Governor’s request. Legislators listen to people who live in their district. That’s why your email or phone call are critical.
Who Are Your Legislators?
Idaho is divided into 35 legislative districts and each Idahoan is represented by one state senator and two state representatives. You can find the name and contact information (address, email and phone number) for your legislators at this website - https://legislature.idaho.gov/legislators/whosmylegislator/
You don't have to be a registered voter to contact them.
Please ask your legislators to “Support Governor Little’s request for $3 million for Head Start to increase the number of families that can be served in Idaho.”
No Experience Required. You've got this.
Talking points for your email/phone call
Explain your connection with Head Start/Early Head Start and include the name of the Head Start program.
Share what makes Head Start important to you. It can be about your child, your family or you.
Ask the legislator to “Support Governor Little’s request for $3 million for Head Start to increase the number of families that can be served in Idaho.”
Include your name and full street address.
Sample letter/email/phone script
Change this letter to reflect your situation. Make sure you have it addressed to the right legislator. Have someone else proofread it if possible. You can read it over the phone too.
Dear Representative Smith,
My two children attended the Lewis and Clark Early Childhood Learning Head Start school in Moscow. The parenting classes they provided for me taught me how to continue the learning at home. And they helped my son get glasses so he didn't fall behind. Please support Governor Little’s request for $3 million for Head Start to increase the number of families that can be served in Idaho. The waiting lists are long, and many children and families can't get in. Head Start changed our lives, and I want others to get the same opportunity.
Your Name
Your address
Your Head Start Story is Amazing
You have a Head Start story to tell, and it's important for you to share it with your legislators. Is Head Start helping your family prepare for kindergarten? Get through the terrible twos? Is Head Start providing your child the special services they need to thrive? Does your child look forward to going to school? Are you pursuing personal goals to stabilize your family situation? Are you a graduate or parent alumni whose life was improved by Head Start?
Include a few details in your email to your legislator. Short is good. Remember to mention your local Head Start program by name and include your name and address.
Help someone else share their Head Start story. You're the expert now. Help another person tell their Head Start story.
Have questions? Want some help? We're happy to assist you. Please contact us at bfoxcroft@idahohsa.org or (208) 230-1712.
Joel’ Haines and Bill Foxcroft visit with Representative Ehardt (Idaho Falls) on February 16, 2022.
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