We are excited to announce that our 2025 Idaho Head Start Association Conference, Membership Meeting, and Awards Banquet will be held at the beautiful Boise Centre in downtown Boise on March 12th-14th.
We have secured a room block at the Hampton Inn & Suites just two blocks from the Boise Centre. Before FEBRUARY 18TH, Call 208-331-1900 and ask for the Idaho Head Start Association Annual Conference room block to receive the discounted rate or book with the link below:
Idaho Head Start Association Annual Conference (hilton.com)
Meet your keynote speaker below!
Meet Your Keynote, Mills Rodgers!
The late Rita Pierson said that every kid needs a champion. But how do we as educators and caregivers be champions? How do we create inclusive environments for students of all backgrounds and ability levels? In this keynote, we will learn the 3 questions educators must reflect upon and answer in order to be a champion for kids!
Meet Friday’s Keynote Speaker, Tommy Sheridan, Deputy Director, National Head Start Association